10 Tips for Eating Healthy When You’re Working From Home


You’re on a conference call and somehow wandered into the kitchen. Next thing you know you’re eating crackers and dry cereal out of the box. Or maybe you got so caught up in a project that you suddenly realize you haven’t eaten a thing all day. Or perhaps the “I’ll just have a handful of chips as I work” mentality turned into accidently eating the entire bag.

Keeping your nutrition in check can be tough when your home is your office. You feel comfortable and there’s plenty of food available. And unlike in the office, you’re free to graze all day and the fridge is all yours. But this habit can wreak havoc on your waistline, sabotage weight loss and halt your productivity

  1. Don’t work in (or near) the kitchen.
  2. Plan your snack and meal times. 
  3. Plan your snack and meal times. 
  4. Meal prep your lunches. 
  5. Focus on real food.
  6. Drink plenty of water.
  7. Be careful of too much caffeine. 
  8. Don’t buy junk food.
  9. When you eat, just eat.
  10. Portion out snacks and meals before eating