Why Soaking Up the Sun to Treat COVID-19 Isn’t a Bright Idea


Last week President Donald Trump suggested that exposure to sunlight might be an effective treatment for COVID-19.

While some research has been done on ultraviolet radiation as a way to kill microorganisms, the medical community says UV light is not sanctioned as a COVID-19 therapy, and the research that has been done has shown this exposure can be dangerous for people’s health.

As always, experts recommend you practice physical distancing, and when you do go outside, apply SPF 30 sunscreen, wear a wide-brimmed hat, and cover exposed skin with clothing.

The medical misinformation spread by figures public figures has led to spikes in online searches for unvetted COVID-19 treatments, according to a new studyTrusted Source.

Please seek information from trusted sources and consult your medical provider, doctors say.